Friday, July 25, 2014

Quilt hunting at Fort Steele

Hexagon Quilt....amazing
 We went on vacation last month to Fairmont Hot Springs, B.C Canada last month. On the way home we got the pleasure of stopping at the funnest place on earth! Well to me anyways...

Fort Steele

Yeah, you read that right. This Road to Avonlea, addicted to vintage, crazy lady LOVES Fort Steele.
But this year when we went I was on a mission... Quilt hunting.
And I struck gold.
So much inspiration!! It was beautiful

Shop Display
Sewing Machine....reminds me of the one I learned to sew on

Vintage Fabric---so cute

Quilt wall hanging

This one I actually got to touch(it wasnt behind glass) and study. So pretty
Well...those were some of the awesome Quilts and Sewing Items I found :) Along with tons of inspiration for my own fabric designs and quilt designs. Its so neat to see how far quilting has come.

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